It was a cool experience, in one week I toured about 5 high schools and saw many classrooms. The idea was that all the kids read The Things They Carried and then wrote monologues based on the idea of truthfulness, and then I came in and taught them how to make the monologues into comics. It was a pretty crazy week, and then since then I helped edit a book that's going to be printed today of some of the selected comics and monologues. I haven't seen the book yet, but I'm excited about it.
For that I also taught the same lesson over CATV, so people can learn at home, and I happen to have the video of that right here. You can watch me be super nervous in front of a camera,
Okay, wow that was embarrassing.
I've also been working on comics, Amelia of course, but also a new Werewolf Comic.
It's called Mangia La Mia Carne a.k.a Eat My Flesh and it's going to be in WEREWOLF !V (4). Which is debuting at MeCaf this year in a couple weeks. I'll be there also.
Anyway, the comic is super crazy, maybe my most disturbing comic to date. for now here are a couple samples.
(Eat My Flesh)