All week I'm teaching a comics workshop At Oxbow high school!
Today was the 1st day, it went well. We did a jam comic and I gave some basic rules of cartooning.
I'm also stationed at the CCS library today and tomorrow, come on down and I'll check some books out for you.
I also need to finish my werewolf comic (1 more page to pencil, 7 to ink!)
I also am going to start inking something else (secret!)
I also need to watch Lost tomorrow!!
I also need to catch up on Caprica.
Okay, this is degenerating. Here's two panels from Chapter 8 of Amelia.
The Mustache Man is all up in your face, giving you nightmares
Amelia is all up in your grill, giving you bumming outs.
Come to S.P.A.C.E. to get the latest Amelia comic, most likely a convention exclusive.
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